Meet Jorge

UPDATE: Jorge is now 19 yrs old and very active as part of ABT’s Youth program development and Outreach. He co-teaches ABT’s acting and filmmaking workshops and is a mentor. “I start my university studies next year in psychology and will continue to work with ABT making films that tell stories to help inspire youth. Emotional health is still important. My neighborhood continues to have violence and drug use/selling issues and…

Meet Belem

UPDATE: Belem is now 18yrs old, in her first year in university, and on ABT’s Tijuana Youth Program Development Committee. “I have learned so much about myself, and I’m not done learning. I am so grateful to ABT. I am in the first year of my university studies and am looking into the possibility of becoming a psychologist. Have not decided for sure, but one this that I’m sure of is I will be developing a program together with ABT…

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