Meet Jorge – a statement at 16 yrs. old
I learned so much from Arts for a Better Tomorrow; about myself and realized that I can always pick myself up after I fall and keep going. That falling is alright, and I can’t be too hard on myself. I use it to move forward a stronger man for my family and me.
“ABT opened my eyes when I didn’t want to open them anymore because of all the bad things I have seen and been through.”

I want to introduce the younger kids in my neighborhood to the tools I learned through acting. So they can help me to change my neighborhood into a better place that is safer than what it is now. Arts for a Better Tomorrow opened my eyes when I didn’t want to open them anymore because of all the bad things I have seen and been through. ABT helped me feel what was going on inside me, my emotions. I found out it is OK to feel, to cry, and let it out; that is what makes me a man that I can know I have feelings and want to do something about it. So I don’t go down the wrong path like my father did. And now, my little brother and sister want to take the classes. Even my mom too! Thank you, and I can’t wait to be a teacher with ABT. I will go to college and study psychology.
UPDATE: Jorge is now 19 yrs old and very active as part of ABT’s Youth program development and Outreach. He co-teaches ABT’s acting and filmmaking workshops and is a mentor. “I start my university studies next year in psychology and will continue to work with ABT making films that tell stories to help inspire youth. Emotional health is still important. My neighborhood continues to have violence and drug use/selling issues and is why I mentor the younger generation here to help them discover and stay on a good path and realize that they..we can be part of the solution. “